Discover the ONE Simple Strategy to Generate New Clients and Customers ‘On-Demand’ 

(Without wasting money on marketing agencies or training an in-house team)


🗓 4 November 2022, Friday 

⏰ 2:00pm - 5:00pm

*click the link for direction

Trusted by and featured in companies such as:

At this free, in-person seminar, David Chua will reveal:

How to build a simple marketing funnel that gets endless customer enquiries 24/7
A new way to stand out, command higher prices and STILL convert more customers
Free marketing tools that can help any business INSTANTLY capture more customers online

On this brand NEW Get Customers Online Seminar, attendees will get: 

  • Clarity on EXACTLY what to do for attracting their ideal customers online 
  • ​How to stop discounting to get customers… and what to do instead
  • ​What they need to fix on their Website to start generating leads 
  • ​The 90% of things business owners are doing online that’s wasting TIME and MONEY
  • ​The ONE thing business owners need for building a strong brand (that 99% are not doing)   
  • ​Networking with other business owners (and potentially do business together) 
Hear What Other Industry Experts Have To Say

Joel Bauer

The Mentor's Mentor

"David will give you a bird's eye view of your business that no one else can."

Les Brown

Motivational Speaker

"David has a heart of gold, He constantly works on himself and if you want to grow to the next level, there's no one I trust more than David Chua."

Nicholas Tay

Founder of Brandsight

"With David's teaching, I went from a website freelancer to an agency owner overnight."

Still on the fence?

Here’s some tough love - choose your path wisely:

Path 1

Be like 90% of business owners who:

  • Have inconsistent income and business growth
  • Feel unclear and frustrated about business direction 
  • Spend long hours ‘putting out fires’ at work
  • ​Are seen as a struggling entrepreneur

Path 2

Be the 10% of business owners who

  • Have a reliable online customer-getting mechanism… and increasing sales revenue
  • Enjoy a passionate and purposeful business 
  • ​Delegate to top talent so they can have time for other things
  • ​Are seen as a success in life 

Want to take Path 2? 

Click on the button to claim your seat now. 

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds



6 ‘Plug and Play’ Marketing Funnel Templates - Value RM1,000

You’ll instantly get 6 of our top marketing funnels you can start using on ClickFunnels (subscription needed). Marketing agencies will charge up to RM30,000 to build one of these funnels. 


'Your Roadmap To Money in the 2020s' - Value RM100

Mark Joyner (the grandfather of Internet Marketing) FREE Report

Mark Joyner is the Founder of 30+ startups and is also known as “The Father of Digital Marketing.” In this free report, you’ll discover:

The 7 most unexpected coming economic trends that will change the face of business forever
The most lucrative growth markets of the next decade


‘How To Create Viral Videos That Sell’ - Value RM100

An Unseen 60 Min VIP Presentation on how to create videos that not only quickly rack up a big number of views, comments and shares - but also bring in paying customers for you


Unlimited business growth updates and tips from David Chua - Value: Priceless

Online marketing is not a set and forget activity. This will keep you in the loop on the latest changes in marketing technology and customer trends - what’s working and what’s not.

Copyright @ 2022 Vertex Mastery - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We do not purport this as a “get rich scheme.”Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. We cannot guarantee that you will make any money at all. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

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